There’s really nothing more important to a parent than their child’s health and wellness. Still, you might be considering using a family practice doctor as your child’s primary care provider or even just taking them to urgent care if they become sick or get injured. This can be a mistake.
A dedicated pediatrician is always the best choice for your child’s healthcare. Here are some very good reasons why you should establish care with a pediatrician to ensure your child’s continued health.
Pediatricians Are Specialists
Of course, children aren’t simply miniature adults. They have unique medical needs at every stage of life. Their healthcare providers need to be well-versed, trained, and experienced in dealing with their unique problems and needs.
Pediatricians, although primary care providers, are also specialists. In addition to medical school, pediatricians have completed a residency of several years and have experience with all aspects of childhood health. This includes growth and development, immunizations, common childhood diseases, and inherited disorders.
Pediatricians are Accustomed to Treating Children
While a family medicine doctor sees kids and adults of all ages, pediatricians exclusively treat babies, toddlers, kids, and adolescents. This allows them to focus their education, training, and practice on the needs of kids. A good pediatrician has dealt with fear of needles, fear of doctors, temper tantrums, and worried parents. They know how to put kids at ease, and they are patient with parents’ questions.
Furthermore, a pediatrician will know when your child needs to see a specialist. If there’s a disease or disorder that needs the attention of a specialist, your child’s pediatrician will be able to make a referral among their colleagues. This can be invaluable when your child needs specialized care.
Pediatricians Are Knowledgeable about Your Child’s Mental Health
Pediatricians don’t solely treat problems with the body—they are also trained in children’s mental health. If your child suffers from anxiety, depression, ADHD, autism, etc., your pediatrician is an excellent first point of contact. In many cases, they’ll be able to diagnose and treat the problem. Furthermore, if the issue is beyond their range of expertise, they can make an appropriate referral to a child psychiatrist or psychologist.
Pediatricians Have Hospital Connections
If your child needs surgery or a hospital stay, they’ll need an admitting physician. Sometimes this may be the surgeon or a pediatric hospitalist. However, most pediatricians have admitting privileges at a children’s hospital or at least a nearby hospital with a good pediatric ward. These connections ensure that your child receives specialized pediatric treatment during their hospital stay at a facility equipped to handle young patients.
Pediatricians Are Dedicated to Children
After medical school, a physician can choose to do their residency in multiple specialties, some of which are extremely lucrative. In almost every case, pediatricians choose pediatrics because they love children and want to see them live better, healthier lives. While all doctors are concerned about their patients’ well-being, pediatricians are solely dedicated to improving the quality of life for children.