Your child is going to go through a lot of changes during their development from a wholly dependent baby into an independent young adult. Throughout this period, there will be many milestones that will mark the end of one growth cycle and the start of another. There are many factors that will influence the healthy…
Figuring Out What the Problem Is: Strep Throat vs. Sore Throat
A sore throat can be a real pain and may leave your little one feeling grouchy. However, not all sore throats are created equal, and some can be symptoms of other conditions. In some cases, the sore throat may be down to environmental factors, while at other times, it may point to a more severe…
Keeping Little Ones Safe: 5 Tips of Germ Prevention
Kids of all ages just love sharing their germs with one another, and schools are notorious breeding grounds for all manner of nasties. This time of the year is particularly dangerous as the cold and flu are in full force. While it is impossible to protect your kid from every type of bug, there are…
Five Easy Ways to Maximize Your Child’s Health
We live in an age where new studies and advice appears on an almost daily basis, so it is sometimes hard to know what you should and shouldn’t do. This is especially true when it comes to the health and well-being of our children. There are many different ways to maximize your child’s health so…
The Four Common Signs of Seasonal Allergies
The change in seasons is always a great time, unless you suffer from seasonal allergies such as hay fever. If this is the case, then the increase in pollen and other airborne contaminants can be a source of constant irritation. As adults, we can usually tell the difference between allergies, the common cold and other…
Some Quick Truths and Tips About Constipation in Babies
When we have little ones, we will often make jokes about bowel movements, but a lack of bowel movements is no joke for baby and parent alike. Changes in bowel movements are part and parcel of your baby’s development, and at some point, you will most likely have to help your baby overcome constipation. The…
Let the Fun Begin: Quick Tips on Introducing Your Baby to Solid Food
The first year of a newborn’s life is full of many landmark events such as when they start to roll, laugh, crawl, and find many amusing ways to interact with the world around them. As a parent, these moments are full of laughs, tears, smiles, and frustrations, and no task captures these emotions more than…
Taking the Stress Out of Newborn Care
When your little one is born, you are sure to be excited and so glad that they have arrived healthy. This initial excitement can quickly be overtaken by worry as you become sensitive to every change that your baby displays. It is times like this that it is good to know that there is someone…
How Pediatric Health Care Can Help You and Your Child
Raising a child can be a challenging task, especially during the early years. As a parent, you will be concerned about your child’s growth and development, and want them to be as healthy as possible. That is why it is important that your child has access to top quality Pediatric Health Care. What many people…
The 4 Stages of Pediatric Care
Whether your child is a newborn, toddler or on the fast track to adolescence, it is always useful to have a pediatrician on hand that you trust. Pediatric Care can come in many forms throughout your child’s formative years; examples include: Exams – For Newborn Babies, Well-Child Physicals – School and Sports Vaccinations Childhood Illnesses…