The eyes are a vital part of the human body, which require a lot of loving care. Healthy eyes play a major role in the development of your child. So, it always makes sense to be proactive when it comes to looking after your kid’s vision.
Simple education and awareness of potential hazards in the house can make a huge difference. Many common eye conditions can be easily treated, and possibly avoided, if you follow these five eye caring tips to help you protect your kid’s eyesight.
Healthy Diet
As with most areas of your kid’s health, diet can play a significant role in the healthy development of your child’s eyes. Foods such as avocados, green leafy vegetables, carrots, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and blueberries are rich in nutrients which help to strengthen the eyes and protect against degenerative diseases.
Toy Maintenance
Toys and games are a significant part of a child’s life and bring a lot of joy. But, they can also be a source of avoidable accidents. Always check toys to see if they have any sharp or pointed edges. If you notice any old items are dangerous, then dispose of them and make sure you check potential purchases at the toy store. Also, make sure you always supervise your kids when they are playing with toys or household objects. Kids sometimes don’t understand the potential dangers of certain objects and can end up hurting their eyes.
Have a Healthy Relationship With Technology
Kids like to spend time watching TV and playing games on mobile devices. When this is carefully monitored, then there should be no issues with their eye health.
Try and minimize the amount of time they spend on a tablet, so their eyes have adequate time to rest. The main problem with prolonged computer usage is that the eyes don’t blink as much as usual, which can leave them feeling dry and irritated. Try to take regular breaks.
Also, make sure that your child sits a safe distance away from the TV when they are watching it. They might want to sit right in front of the screen, but they need to sit roughly five to eight feet away from a 40’’ screen, or farther away for larger screens.
Rubbing Eyes
Kids love spreading their germs, and your child will likely suffer from an eye infection at some point during their childhood. When the eyes are irritated, the temptation is to rub them. However, this usually does more harm than good.
Therefore, you should discourage your child from rubbing their eyes at any time. Good personal hygiene will help to minimize the spread of germs. But, if your little one has conjunctivitis (pink eye), then make sure they don’t rub their eyes, as it will only make the infection worse.
Regular Eye Exams
Your kid’s eyesight should be checked regularly throughout their childhood. Any eye diseases or issues will be picked up during the exam so that any treatment can start as soon as possible. Early diagnosis will make a lot of eye conditions much easier to treat and minimize their long-term impact.
Any issues such as near and farsightedness can harm your kid’s school performance and behavior, so if you have any concerns, contact our clinic now.