Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a condition that can have a massive impact on your child’s development, success at school, and relationships with others. We have put together this quick guide on how to treat ADHD naturally to help you understand the symptoms and some of the options available.
The symptoms vary from person to person and can come on at any age. However, there are a few warning signs that might indicate that your child has ADHD. These include:
- Self-focused behavior
- Lack of focus (meaning they struggle to stay on task or avoid tasks altogether)
- Emotional problems (such as being quick to anger or struggling to express themselves)
- Fidgeting
- Difficulty in waiting for turns (or excessive interruption)
- Forgetfulness
Many of these behaviors are common in most kids at some point, but it is a cause for concern when these behaviors are consistently causing problems at school or at home.
What Next?
In the past, the temptation would have been to start your child on medication, but this isn’t necessarily the best option. In fact, there are many natural remedies and techniques that can make life easier for everyone. While the research has not yet provided definitive guidelines for the best practice, there are some things you can do that will complement existing treatments and therapies.
Get out the Vitamins
The natural world provides numerous elements that can help to manage the symptoms of ADHD. Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oils help support brain function, while vitamin B-complex helps to produce serotonin. Zinc and magnesium have been found to help the nervous system, and probiotics help with the digestive system.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach, so it may take time to find the right balance of supplements and discover the factors that make the symptoms better or worse.
A Healthy Diet
A healthy diet can make a big difference in the extent of the symptoms, as a great deal of research has found that processed foods, additives, colorings, and chemicals can make symptoms much worse.
Too much sodium can harm the healthy function of the body, as can having too much MSG, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, and a diet rich high in sugar. In fact, it is vital that your child maintains a healthy blood sugar level by avoiding certain foods and eating at regular times throughout the day.
Kids with ADHD will always benefit from a full and active exercise routine. They should be encouraged to play a wide variety of sports, alongside other recreational activities such as cycling. This will help them with their symptoms and will give them a positive outlet for associated frustration or anger.
Yoga and Tai Chi are also excellent for people with ADHD, as they help individuals to develop ways to be more mindful and more focused on the task at hand.
Good Sleep
Good sleep is crucial to the healthy function of the mind and body, and this is especially true of kids with ADHD. However, getting to sleep can be difficult, which leads to symptoms being magnified the next day.
Therefore, it is essential to try to create good habits and routines as soon as possible so that your child gets the proper amount of sleep. Try to get your child to wind down as early as possible by avoiding activities and distractions such as phones and games. Instead, create a quiet time before bed when you and your children can do activities designed to relax the body and mind, such as reading or listening to calm, soothing music.