When people think about pediatric clinics, they often think of babies and toddlers and the care they need in the early years. However, pediatric services extend far beyond that and are in place to make sure the children grow into healthy and active adults capable of enjoying a happy and productive life.
One area that has seen more focus in recent years is adolescent pediatric services. Adolescence is a challenging time for all concerned, with the child growing into an adult often a lot quicker than we parents would like. All the changes, whether minor or major, can be very confusing for your child, so it is essential to have access to help and advice.
The American Board of Pediatrics, alongside the state and federal government, has emphasized the importance of allocating adequate resources to education and raising the standard of care in this field.
So, how can your child’s pediatrician help in the transition from childhood to adulthood?
Safe Environment
The importance of this factor cannot be underestimated, as upsetting as this may sound, there may be a time when your child feels too embarrassed to talk to you about growing pains or other issues such as sex or mental health.
As your child is likely to have a long-established relationship with your family pediatric physician, they should feel more comfortable discussing these issues with them. A long-standing relationship will have nurtured trust between your child and physician, something that could be invaluable for both you and your adolescent child as they come to terms with whatever issues they face.
Advice and Information
As kids develop into adolescents, it is very common for them to start experimenting and without the right information, this can lead to significant consequences both in the present and also in terms of their future health and well-being.
Many clinics now offer a counseling service, which provides a safe environment for parents and children alike to discuss their issues and concerns in areas such as contraception, menstruation, and other growth-related problems such as acne.
The provision of these services vary in each state and individual clinic, but they are a very helpful service to have during this time.
Pediatricians trained in adolescent medicine can help with the transition to adulthood for your child and give them the information they need to take more control of their own health. They will be able to provide confidential information in areas such as personal hygiene, bodily awareness, and discuss the impact of alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes on the body.
The information the pediatrician can share can help the adolescent make much more informed choices, which will hopefully keep them safe as they negotiate the path to adulthood.
Mental Health
An unfortunate reality of modern life is the rise in mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, and in recent years there has been an unprecedented growth in these conditions in younger patients.
Adolescence can be a confusing time as the mind and body adjust to the changes it is going through, as well as external factors such as family problems and bullying at school. It can be difficult to articulate these feelings, and this can compound the problems, making them much worse than they might be. Having someone to talk to can help your child work through whatever they are going through and help them get back on track as soon as possible.
Need More Information
If you have concerns about your child’s health and well-being, feel free to give us a call or email to address them. We are always here to help.