If you’ve ever suspected that your child might have trouble seeing, it can be quite alarming, especially if they are very young. Kids as young as 2 or 3 may need glasses in order to correct their vision problems, and it is never too early to get any potential issues checked out. Keep reading for the most common signs of vision issues in kids, as well as the diagnosis and treatment process.
Signs of Vision Problems in Kids
It can be difficult to know if your child is having trouble seeing, especially if they are too young to let you know. Kids who have adapted to vision problems often don’t even realize that they are having an issue. But if you suspect your child may have a vision problem, you may notice some of these signs from the comprehensive list below.
- Squinting, especially when reading or trying to see far distances
- Trouble learning at school
- Sitting too close to the TV or a computer screen
- Holding a phone or iPad very close to their eyes
- Frequent eye rubbing or blinking
- Tilting their head or closing one eye in order to see better
- Trouble with balance or coordination
- Trouble focusing or tracking an object
- Eye-crossing or eyes that don’t move together
- A lazy eye
- Excessive tears or discharge from the eye
- Pupils of different sizes or abnormal color
- Light sensitivity
- Double vision
- Eye pain or dryness
- Headaches
If your child is experiencing one or more of the symptoms above, they may need glasses or another vision remedy. A complete vision exam from a professional can help diagnose any potential issues.
Diagnosis of Vision Problems in Kids
Even young children and toddlers can benefit from a complete eye exam if they are experiencing signs of vision problems. Vision screening and treatment can be done by your family doctor, a pediatrician, or an ophthalmologist. Depending on your child’s age, their exam may consist of a screening using eye charts, testing pupil response, testing tracking ability, Retinoscopy, visual acuity tests and games, and the use of other electronic instruments and technology to test their eyes.
Treatment of Vision Problems in Kids
Vision issues such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism can be corrected with contacts or eyeglasses. An annual eye exam is the standard method of keeping your child’s prescription updated and accurate.
Some eye problems such as cataracts, glaucoma, ornystagmus may require surgery and other interventions in order to treat the underlying cause of your child’s vision problems. Eye patches or eyedrops are also used in the case of some conditions such as amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus.
Prevention of Vision Problems in Kids
Annual eye exams and school vision screenings are the best way to catch potential vision problems early and take steps to remedy the issue. Many vision conditions are progressive, meaning that the sooner you catch them and correct them, the better.
To discuss the medical causes of vision loss and other eye problems in kids, call us today to schedule an appointment with one of our knowledgeable pediatricians in Arvada, Westminster & Broomfield!