Prenatal care is a crucial part of ensuring a healthy pregnancy for both mother and baby. Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider help monitor your baby’s development and address any concerns that might arise along the way. Here’s a comprehensive look at what to expect during prenatal appointments and how you can promote a healthy…
Drinking Alcohol While Pregnant
Finding out that you are pregnant and expecting a child is a time of celebration. There will be lots of excitement around you as family and friends come together to celebrate the future arrival. There is a lot of conflicting information out there about whether it is okay to drink when pregnant and how much…
Vitamin C During Pregnancy: Safety, Dosage & Side Effects
Taking care of yourself and your growing baby during the nine months of pregnancy is physically demanding. Ensuring you get all the vital nutrients your body needs during this time is essential. One essential nutrient to pay attention to is Vitamin C. In this blog post, we’ll explore why Vitamin C matters during pregnancy, how…
Getting Back in Shape: Fun Exercises To Do with Your Baby
After a long pregnancy, most mothers are left wondering how they will get rid of the belly. As their time is spent predominately looking after the needs of the new addition, they often neglect things they enjoy, such as trips to the gym and socializing. Understandably, this situation can cause some frustration, but the good…
Smart Tips to Help Parents When They Are Preparing for a New Baby
So, you have just found out that you are pregnant and shared this fantastic news with your family and friends. For parents that already have children, you will know what needs to be done in preparation for the new arrival. However, for new parents, the news of their first baby can be a little overwhelming.…